"Gazing on beautiful things acts on my soul"
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475- 1564)
Pode entrar, a porta esta sempre aberta, aqui voce ingressa em muitos sonhos que se misturam com algumas realidade.


Welcome, my door is always open, here you will find a lot of dreams and a bit of my reality.



Tiny Store 100 square foot - loja de 30 metros quadrados em NY

This is actually just a painted wall, giving an optical ilusion of a much bigger space.
pictures by me

pictures by me

pictures by me

Pictures by me
For the past three decades, Mrs. John L. Strong Fine Stationery has served brides and letter writers alike with custom papers. The bespoke stationer has developed a loyal clientele with made-to-order monograms straight from its fifth-floor Madison Avenue showroom. But with postal patronage declining and e-mail on the upswing, the stationery market has become less accessible to young snail-mail nostalgics. The  100-square-foot shop sells a variety of gifts, trinkets, and its Ready to Write collection of stationery.
Since the store is located just below the current showroom, it will be even easier for seldom scribblers to become monogram moguls just four floors up. Stop in when they open this fall!

Um comentário:

Jennelise disse...

This is so neat and I love the painting! It's amazing that it actually makes the room seem large. That definitely sounds like a store I would love to visit. Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to yours. Take care!