Theshinypebble, Catherine is hosting a huge virtual party, and we are very honor to be part of this great event
In Brazil we have a tradition to do dessert tables, they are almost a party by it self, the little sweets are very elaborate and the sweets holder are real pieces of arts.
11 comentários:
Ai, agora vc me deixou zonza...sou totalmente LOUCA por doces. Sabe aquele tipo magricela que come doce adoidado??? Sou eu!Hipoglicêmica e feliz! Minha salvação é que Jlle é terra de austríacos, suíços a alemães. Vc pode imaginar como são as confeitaris daqui...really something! Doces beijinhos, Bela.
Oi Fer,
Adorei a sua festa virtual. Outro dia montei um Chá do Chapeleiro Maluco virtual, lá no blog.
Que delícia, vc está na Flórida, tão longe daqui ...
Bjkas e uma ótima quarta para vc.
nem me fala nos docinhos... o da nininha sao MARAVILHOSOS!!!!
Oh Yum! E belissima tambem. Adorei a arvore de macaroons. Thanks for joining in the fun!
I love what you have done here, how sweet of you to bring sweets to the party!
Drop by my blog any time, I'd love to have you there :)
Precious...this is fabulous. I've heard about the Brazilian desserts and how beautiful they are. I would love to attend a party with you. Go Brazil in the World Cup !!
Come on over to my place so you'll know what Catherine is wearing to her party, as well as a few friends.
Oh love that tree...everything looks simply divine. so glad you came to Catherine's blog party and I got a chance to see your lovely blog.
Come on over to my blog I welcome you anytime.
How fun to see how you might throw a party in Brazil!
The macaroon tree- mmm!
Mmmmm wonderfully yummy and beautiful little works of art! Come see what I have done for Catherine's soiree!
Art by Karena
Yes e belissima for sure! And I can see that I am destined to live in Brazil - the country who knows how to make a desert table! Fantastic!! :)
I became a follower on the spot!!
x Charlotta
Nossa como estava atrasada,não tenho tempo nem de abrir o computador....hj eu vi como perdi esta festa virtual? Foi uma ótima idéia adorei a árvore e as bebidinhas vermelhinhas.....
Que coisa mais linda esta mesa com estes pratos!!!!E o jogo americano então????Amei tudo.Beijos
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